How can I limit the amount of information people can get about my SEAS account?
There are several things that you can do to limit the information that people can get about you.
- You may want to change the full name used by mailers and news readers, so that people receiving mail from you cannot learn your real name. Alternatively, if you have changed your "full name" above, you may want to put your real name into your mail you send.
- Penn may publish your name, email address, street address, etc
in various physcial and electronic directories. The electronic
directories are available to everyone on the Internet. to remove
your name from these directories,
- Using any web browser go to the Penn Directory
- Click on My Profile. Login using your Pennkey. Edit your entry for what you want to appear on the public search display.
For more information on the privacy policy at Penn, please see the Policy on Privacy in the Electronic Environment.