How do I use Qualtrics?

Qualtrics is a web-based survey and statistical analysis tool available to Penn Engineering staff, faculty, and students.

Note: Qualtrics is currently not FERPA or HIPAA compliant.

Log in with your PennKey here:

The first time you log in, choose:

and agree to the terms of service.

Qualtrics preexisting account dialog

Qualtrics provides excellent documentation and training materials:

How do I use Qualtrics for research?

If you are using Qualtrics to collect research data intended for publication, please contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) before sending out your survey.

How do I get support from Qualtrics?

Qualtrics requires users to log in to submit a ticket:

  1. Log into your Qualtrics account.
  2. Click on the Help link at the top right.
  3. Click the Contact Support button in the popup window.
  4. Click the Sign in with SSO link in the new window.
  5. Enter upenn into the Organization ID box and click the Continue button.

You will be directed to the Qualtrics Support Center using your Penn WebLogin session. For more information, visit the Penn Software Licensing Qualtrics FAQ.

How do I send an email from my survey?

Email Tasks allow you to send one or more email notifications when a survey response is completed and specified conditions are met. Each email supports up to ten recipients, separated by commas. For more information, see:

Warning: Qualtrics deprecated Email Triggers on June 30, 2020 in favor of Email Tasks. Existing email triggers will continue to work, but new ones cannot be created. Due to various bugs that won't be fixed, CETS strongly recommends converting email triggers to email tasks.

How do I require PennKey authentication for my surveys?

When configuring PennKey authentication, you also have the option to capture some information about the authenticated user following these steps:

  1. Check the Capture respondent identifying info box.
  2. Enter the identifying name you want to use in the Embedded Data to Set... field that appears (for best results, avoid using spaces).
  3. Enter the SAML2 Formal Name in the Field From SSO field.
  4. Click on the + icon to add another item.
  5. Click on the Apply button to save your changes.

Warning: Qualtrics switched from SAML1 to SAML2 in Spring 2018. Surveys using SAML1 Formal Names will no longer capture the data correctly.

Use this example as a reference (Embedded Data = Field From SSO):

  employeeNumber = urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.3
  eduPersonPrincipalName = urn:oid:
  mail = urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3
  displayName = urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241
  surname = urn:oid:
  givenName = urn:oid:

Warning: While Qualtrics supports embedded data variable names that contain spaces, they are a common source of errors. CETS recommends using variable names that do not contain any spaces, punctuation or special characters.


The user's 8-Digit Penn ID
The user's PennName returned as
(suppressable by user, may be blank)
The user's preferred email address from the Penn Directory
(suppressable by user, may be blank)
The user's full name, typically returned in a format similar to "Franklin, Benjamin"
(suppressable by user, may be blank)
The user's surname (family name, last name, etc.)
(suppressable by user, may be blank)
The user's given name (first name)

Warning: The mail, displayName, surname and givenName attributes are all suppressable by the user, so be prepared if this information is missing (one approach is to prepopulate an editable field, so the user can provide the missing value). In cases where multiple values are returned for an attribute, Qualtrics will only record the first one. Consult the List of Shibboleth attributes available at Penn page for more information.

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