How do I control the default permissions on new files?
The default permissions for new files is determined by the "umask" command, which is usually located in the .login or .cshrc files. The application creating the file gives it 777 or 666 permissions (for example, a compiler would create a 777 executable, and an editor would create a 666 text file). Those permissions are then XORed with the umask. Common umask values are 022 and 077. You can use 022 to give read access to everyone, or 077 to give no access to anyone but yourself.
For more information on the "umask" command, type "man umask" at the Eniac command prompt.
For information on logging into Eniac, please see "How Do I Log Into Eniac?"
For more information on unix file permissions, see "How to use chmod to change permissions"